Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Final 12 Concentration Photo's



  1. I liked the techniques you used and a very well organized sequence, everything follows together. Good job! :)

    1. something you could of improved was maybe try other different effects, or have some just normal. work with the different lights around you, so you wouldn't have to edit the pictures so much.

  2. Nice work, I really like your concentration. You have saome very powerful images. The only thing that I would change is that some of your pictures are very similiar. Nice job!

  3. Great theme idea! I especially like the sepia pictures! I would try bumping up the contrast of your black and white one in photoshop however

  4. I think you came up with incredible ideas to express the message that you wanted to convey in this series. These images are very powerful and effective so great job! I agree with Molly though that some of your images are very similar. You could also make diptychs out of the ones that are very similar? I think that this could work especially well with the first and second picture.

  5. It is a very strong collection. There are a few images that are very similar, like the ones where the "I won't eat" sign is above her mouth. However, the order that the photos are in is perfect! It seems to show the progression from from weight issues to depression to the idea of suicide.

  6. Your pictures are really strong and almost haunting. I agree with Bella in that a couple of them are repetitive. The one with the rope and the ones with the tape measure are really cool and original.

  7. Wow the theme is very apparent, and has a good, but sad message!! Very very good. The only thing I would change would maybe be boosting the contrast of the black and white photos to have less gray in some of the photos. Other than that, well done :)

  8. You worked really well with this theme. The images let off a dark feeling. I would maybe change up the order because you have similar images and work with the contrast a little more. You did very well!

  9. I agree with Hallie and Kayla, you have a few that could have some more contrast or be switched because their very similar to others. Your pictures are very well taken and your theme is clearly shown through these pictures. Good job!

  10. From looking at your photos i can tell your theme very easily which is good. I like the concept you portrayed with the post being tagged with all those labels. I say yes to upping the contrast for less grey. Maybe higher exposure or stronger light. Good concentration though.

  11. The over-all feeling of it is great. Are you going to pair them side by side for the final order? Because the order is kinda scatter. If they were in a great selective order, it would have a much more stronger effect than it already has. Wonderful pictures!

  12. In your photos, you did a great job portraying your theme. I instantly knew what it was. Your pictures are clear, and I like the "dark" and depressed mood that's given off, too. I think you should switch around a couple photos to put them in a better oder, they seem a little scattered. Great work!

  13. I like how well you displayed your theme through your pictures. And i think if you mabey put some of them together, the more similier ones it would look better, but other then that, It looks great
